When Life Gives You Lemons… Do You Make Lemon8?

Lemon8 is an innovative and thriving social media platform that has made its way into the social media realm. The app launched in May 2020, but has only recently been gaining popularity. This popularity can perhaps be attributed to one of the app’s notable aspects: its promise of user data protection and privacy. 

I downloaded the app on my phone back in late March when there was talk that TikTok was going to be banned. I found that many of my favorite TikTokers created accounts on this social platform in an attempt to maintain their audience. 

After using the app I would describe it as a mix of TikTok, Instagram, and Pinterest – all of which happen to be my favorite apps! The app has elements of TikTok because there is a differentiation between a “following” and a “for you” page. The app’s vertical format with various posts reminds me of Pinterest and the ability to like and comment reminds me of Instagram. The use of picture carousels dominates the app, but short-length videos can be seen as well. 

Despite the similarities among these three apps, one of the platform's key differentiators is its emphasis on fostering genuine interactions and promoting a positive online environment. The comment sections are vibrant with conversations between the creator and other users. Also, the interface features a double-column feed allowing you to view a wide variety of content easily. Overall, the app is very user-friendly with seamless navigation and content creation. 

Now that you know a little bit more about Lemon8, you are probably wondering, is it right for my business? Based on my involvement with the app over the past four months, I mainly see trends in wellness, fitness, outfit inspiration, and interior design inspiration. In a menu on the app, there are 6 browsable categories:

  1. Fashion

  2. Beauty

  3. Food

  4. Wellness

  5. Travel

  6. Home

These categories have not changed since I downloaded the app, but that does not mean that more browsable categories will not become available. To note, the user base seems to be predominantly dominated by the younger, Gen Z demographic. Therefore, if your business is in these categories and/or demographic, I would recommend giving Lemon8 a shot. 

— Caitlyn McHenry, MFBS Intern

Christie VanderLaan

Branding and website design for creatives who want to focus on their art, not on their website.


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